May 1, 2024

May 01 2024 - Committing theft by voting Democrat

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In the book, “Who Really Gives in America,” statistics show that Conservatives, especially conservative Christians, outgive liberals and Democrats by a margin of 10 to 1. Who feels good about their giving? Christians and conservatives could feel good about giving their own money - because of their love for God and for people. Democrats feel good about voting for politicians who will give OTHER people’s money. To dubious charities, many of which are totally ungodly and un-American. But as Alexis de Tocqueville predicted, “democracy will be destroyed when people discover that they can take money from other people by voting for politicians who will do it for them.” Of course that’s theft! But by voting for the theft, is seems right in the minds of liberals. Sponsored by the Caylor Group Wealth Management in Lynchburg VA. Call 434-455-7197.

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