April 14, 2024

Apr 14 2024 - ATF: Gun-happy and Dangerous

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Episode Transcript

Today April 19th is the anniversary of the Branch Davidian complex being attacked, and 119 men, women, and children being burned to death. The ATF wanted to arrest David Koresh, the director of this 7th Day Adventist sect. And they could have done so easily.  David Koresh went shopping in town every week. But instead of quietly picking David up there, they went in guns blazing. And like the murder of unarmed January 6th protester Ashley Babbit, no one has been punished for the murder of these 119 innocent people. Same thing happened last week when the ATF wanted to arrest Brian Malinowski. They went in guns blazing in the middle of the night. Brian shot back to defend his wife and children from the unknown assailants - unknown to him at least, and they killed him. ATF! Gun happy, and dangerous.  Sponsored by the Caylor Group Wealth Management in Lynchburg VA. Call 434-455-7197.

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