Your Daily Dose Of Unbiased Political News And Views In Just 1 Minute
Become aware and ready to fight against the forces dividing America with the thought-provoking Tea with George Podcast
About the show
Keeping up with the political news can feel like a full-time job.
It’s easy to miss details and facts in our fast-paced lives. Tea With George creates space for complex and nuanced political conversations in just 1 minute.
Subscribe to Tea With George to receive:
- Fact-based perspectives and not partisan opinions
- Political stories that leave you empowered and not overwhelmed and powerless
- Truly objective political reporting while leaving opinion and speculation to the listeners
Perfect for listening with a fresh cup of tea at 10 a.m. from Monday to Friday
Enjoy a fresh cup of poli-tea-cal podcast Mon-Fri at 10 a.m.
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Meet your host
I’m George Caylor, the Founder and the Host of Tea With George. I am a 78-year-old Constitutional activist and business owner. I believe God gave us a fabulous country.
But many Patriots have forgotten the tools God gave us to preserve America.
With this podcast, I aim to give my fellow countrymen eye-opening and enjoyable insights in just 1 minute.
Each message is based on my love for Christ and love for the Country where my kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids will spend their lives.
I want to empower Americans to fight for our freedom that’s slowly being taken away from us. We must defend the Judeo-Christian culture our Founders gave us.
Get the greatest ideas and tools to combat and defend our beautiful Nation in my Podcast “Tea with George.”