February 11, 2024

Feb 11 2024 - The LGBTQ Thought Police

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Episode Transcript

Twenty two years ago our daughters graduated from high school, and went away to college. I was faced with a problem. A 6000 square foot house with just two people in it. We decided to have a bed and breakfast. And since I love people, it was a great business. Until I was forced to say something that I really didn’t mean. So I wouldn’t say it. One of the major listing services for bed and breakfasts made the decree that “you must fly the rainbow flag on your website.” Meaning you’re “gay and lesbian friendly.” Now there’s even more categories of how people like their sex. We never turned away anybody, but to be forced to say that you endorse what they do?! If you know anything about civil libertarians, it really didn’t go well with me! So we simply didn’t use that listing service, and two years ago we shut down the B and B. After all, who wants the thought police to sue you into bankruptcy? Sponsored by the Caylor Group Wealth Management in Lynchburg VA. Call 434-455-7197

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