Jan 29 2025 - Robert Kennedy to make Americans healthy again!
Episode Transcript
I’ve never seen such Democrat anger against a Democrat. The Democrat senators’ inquisition of Robert Kennedy is as bad as I’ve ever seen- except maybe for Robert Bork who should have been on the Supreme Court. So what’s the problem with Robert Kennedy? 1. He didn’t like the Covic planned-demic. 2. He doesn’t like Fauc,i and doesn’t consider him a hero. We’re finding out more and more about Fauci we’re learning why Biden gave him a complete pardon before he was even accused of the crimes that he’s committed. 3. He also didn’t like the COVID shots, which now have killed thousands across America. In fact, we don’t even know how many died, and how many are going to die. 4. Kennedy doesn’t like the big food companies poisoning our food and making most Americans obese. We weren’t like this back in the 1970s. Kennedy said he’s going to make Americans healthy again. Is that such a bad thing? Sponsored by the Caylor Group Wealth Management in Lynchburg VA. Call 434-455-7197.
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