March 24, 2024

March 24 2024 - Screaming Biden, Calm Trump

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If you’re hearing this via website, you can see 12 pictures of President Biden - each with a different suit on. Meaning different days. In each one of the photos he’s screaming. I ask you this: have you ever seen President Trump having a temper tantrum? I mean screaming at the audience. I don’t think I remember one time. He does clench his fist. Some weak people don’t like his mean tweets. Others listen to mainstream media that purposely take his words out of context just to smear him.  But Trump is calm compared to the screaming maniac we now have in the White House. My good friend Diane Gruber has very popular essays on Sub Stack. She asked the question: “Can anyone give me a video of Donald Trump melting down?” No takers so far, and I don’t think there will be! Sponsored by The Caylor Wealth Management Group in Lynchburg, VA. Call 434-455-7197

This episode has not been transcribed yet.
