Sep 28 2024 - "Holistically" destroying America
Episode Transcript
Last week Kamala used the word “holistically,” and she used it about five times in the same description of what she’s about to do. “Holistically” is one of those big words used by stupid people to impress other stupid people. And considering the people who are going to vote for this woman who’s been a disaster for the last four years, in fact a disaster for the last 50 years, she is going to address the border crisis “holistically.” That means she’s going to approach it from a “lot of different ways.” Last week Mr Trump said, “Why don’t you just go to the White House and sign a form that says “no more invaders, and the borders are closed. That would do it!” (I’m wondering why haven’t they done that during the last four years?) Millions of people coming in, and they happily and holistically created a disaster for the small towns whose populations have been almost doubled. Sponsored by the Caylor Group Wealth Management in Lynchburg VA. Call 434-455-7197.
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